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Last Updated |  15 Jul 2024

Progressive Profiling

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Progressive profiling is an onboarding strategy that gathers user information gradually throughout their interaction with a service or platform. Unlike traditional methods that overwhelm users with extensive signup forms, progressive profiling collects only the essential information needed at each stage of the user journey. This approach balances the need for robust user profiles with a smooth and user-friendly onboarding experience.


Benefits of Progressive Profiling

Progressive profiling offers several advantages for both businesses and users:

  • Improved User Experience: By avoiding lengthy signup forms, progressive profiling reduces friction and encourages users to complete the onboarding process.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: A smoother onboarding experience can lead to higher conversion rates, as users are less likely to abandon the signup process.
  • Enhanced Data Quality: Collecting information incrementally allows users to provide more accurate and up-to-date information at the point of relevance.
  • Stronger User Profiles: Over time, a comprehensive user profile is built by collecting relevant data at different touchpoints.
  • Targeted Marketing and Personalization: The data gathered through progressive profiling can be used for more targeted marketing campaigns and personalized experiences.


Implementing Progressive Profiling Effectively

Here are some key considerations for successful implementation of progressive profiling:

  • Map the User Journey: Identify the different stages of the user journey and determine the information needed at each touchpoint.
  • Prioritise Data Collection: Focus on collecting essential information upfront and gather less critical details later.
  • Leverage Different Collection Methods: Utilise a variety of methods to collect data, such as forms, social logins, and implicit data collection through user behaviour.
  • Gain User Consent: Be transparent about the data collected and obtain explicit user consent where required.
  • Provide Value in Exchange for Data: Incentivise users to share information by offering them value in return, such as personalised features or exclusive content.


Smile ID and Progressive Profiling

Smile ID can indirectly support progressive profiling by:

  • Streamlining Identity Verification: Our solutions can simplify and expedite the identity verification process during onboarding, reducing friction for users.
  • Data Minimisation: Smile ID's verification processes focus on collecting only the minimum data required to confirm user identity, aligning with progressive profiling principles.



Progressive profiling is a user-centric approach to data collection that fosters a positive onboarding experience. By strategically gathering information throughout the user journey, businesses can build rich user profiles while maintaining a frictionless signup process. Smile ID contributes to a smoother onboarding experience by streamlining identity verification and minimising data collection. With our expertise in the African market, we ensure compliance with local regulations and provide secure, efficient solutions for building comprehensive user profiles.

Book a free demo today to learn more about our solutions.

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